
主任医师 / 上海市第六人民医院


刘志艳,女,上海市第六人民医院病理科主任,学科带头人。中国、日本病理学双博士。副主任医师,硕士生导师。美国密歇根大学访问学者。从事教学、临床病理诊断、科研工作近20年。擅长内分泌、皮肤及消化系统肿瘤的病理诊断,尤其是甲状腺组织和细胞病理。2007-2011年由国家留学基金委全额奖学金资助攻读日本病理学博士(Wakayama Medical University),专注于甲状腺肿瘤病理诊断与分子生物学研究。曾获评2009年西日本地区优秀留学人员、2010年日本内分泌病理学会青年研究者、2011年中华病理学会首届吴秉铨基金青年学者等奖。发表SCI论文多篇,主编英文电子书一部,参译参编著作多部。主持国家自然基金面上项目、承担教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金、中国博士后面上基金、上海市科委等项目多项。曾在美-加病理学会(USCAP)100周年年会、日本病理学99周年年会等会议发表90余次。 社会任职 中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO)甲状腺学会副主任委员中国研究型医院学会超微与分子病理专业委员会常务委员中西医结合学会甲状腺与甲状旁腺委员会常务委员中华医学会中华病理学分会头颈部学组委员中国抗癌协会第六届肿瘤病理专业委员会中华医学会肿瘤学分会甲状腺专业委员会委员中国医疗保健国际交流促进会病理学会委员中国医疗保健国际交流促进会甲状腺学会委员国际细胞学会会员美国甲状腺学会会员亚洲甲状腺FNA工作组成员中华病理学杂志编委 科研成果 近期论文:Wang, X.; Cui, X.; Zhao, Q.; Sun, F.; Zhao, R.; Feng, T.; Sui, S.; Han, B.; Liu, Z. Long-Term Exposure to Decabromodiphenyl Ether Promotes the Proliferation and Tumourigenesis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma by Inhibiting TR?. Cancers 2022, 14(11), 2772. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14112772Sui S(#), Gao Y, Yuan T, He C, Peng C, Wang Y, Liu Z(*). Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of PM2.5-bound arsenic: a 7-year observation in the urban area of Jinan, China. Environ Geochem Health. 2022 Mar 3. doi: 10.1007/s10653-022-01233-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35239077.Sa R(#), Liang R(#), Qiu X, He Z, Liu Z(*), Chen L(*). Targeting IGF2BP2 Promotes Differentiation of Radioiodine Refractory Papillary Thyroid Cancer via Destabilizing RUNX2 mRNA. Cancers. 2022; 14(5):1268.Zhou J(#), Duan M(#), Jiao Q, Chen C, Xing A, Su P, Tang J, Zhang H(*), Liu Z(*). Primary Thyroid NUT Carcinoma With High PD-L1 Expression and Novel Massive IGKV Gene Fusions: A Case Report With Treatment Implications and Literature Review. Front Oncol. 2022 Jan 19; 11:778296. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.778296.Ri Sa(#), Rui Liang(#), Xian Qiu, Ziyan He, Zhiyan Liu(*), Libo Chen(*). IGF2BP2-dependent activation of ERBB2 signaling contributes to acquired resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitor in differentiation therapy of radioiodine-refractory papillary thyroid cancer, Cancer Letters, 2022 Feb 28;527:10-23. Liu Z(#)(*), Sui S, Su P, Zhang X, Hu J, Sun F, Han B. The effect of implementing pre-surgical ultrasound- guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy on thyroid surgery, a 6-year interrupted time series analysis in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. Gland Surg, 2020 Oct;9(5):1716-1723. Shaofeng Sui(#), Jack Ng, Yanxin Gao, Cheng Peng, Chang He, Guoling Wang, Zhiyan Liu(*)(通讯作者). Pollution characteristics and chronic health risk assessment of metals and metalloids in ambient PM2.5 in Licheng District, Jinan, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020 Jul;42(7):1803-1815 Liu Z.(#), Andrey Bychkov, Chan Kwon Jung, Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa, Shaofeng Sui, SoonWon Hong, Chiung-Ru Lai, Deepali Jain, Sule Canberk, Kennichi Kakudo. Interobserver and intraobserver variation in the morphological evaluation of noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary like nuclear features in Asian practice. Pathol Intl, 2019. Apr;69(4):202-210.Chunyan Zhang(#),Bin Lv(#),Cuihua Yi(#),Xiujie Cui, Shaofeng Sui, Xueen Li, Mei Qi, Chunyan Hao, Bo Han, Liu Z.(*)。Genistein inhibits human papillary thyroid cancer cell detachment, invasion and metastasis. Journal of cancer, 2019, Jan 1, 10(3), 737-748 Gu, Haiyan(#); Sui, Shaofeng; Cui, Xiujie; Han, Bo; Zhang, Chunyan; Qi, Mei; Li, Congcong; Liu, Zhiyan(*). Thyroid carcinoma producing β-human chorionic gonadotropin shows different clinical behavior. Pathol Intl, 2018. Apr; 68(4):207-213. Liu Zhiyan*, Zhang Chunyan, Kakudo Kennichi, Cui Xiujie, Mu Kun, Zhou Chengjun, Wang Yan, Chen Shiming, Zhou Gengyin. Diagnostic pitfalls in pathological diagnosis of infectious disease: patients with syphilitic lymphadenitis often present with inconspicuous history of infection. Pathol Int. 2016; Mar. 66(3):142-147.Qi, Mei(#); Liu, Zhiyan(#); Shen, Chengwu; Wang, Lin; Zeng, Jiping; Wang, Chunni; Li, Congcong; Fu, Weiwei; Sun, Yi; Han, Bo(*), Overexpression of ETV4 is associated with poor prognosis in prostate cancer: involvement of uPA/uPAR and MMPs, Tumor Biol, 2015.May, 36(5):3565 ~ 3572.Liu Z*, Zhou G, Nakamura M, Koike E, Li Y, Ozaki T, Mori I, Taniguchi E, Kakudo K. Encapsulated follicular thyroid tumor with equivocal nuclear changes, so-called well-differentiated tumor of uncertain malignant potential, a morphological, immunohistochemical, and molecular appraisal. Cancer Sci. 2011, 102(1):288-94. Liu Z*, Kakudo K, Bai Y, Li Y, Ozaki T, Miyauchi A, Taniguchi E, Mori I. Loss of cellular polarity/cohesiveness in the invasive front of papillary thyroid carcinoma, a novel predictor for lymph node metastasis—possible morphological indicator of epithelial mesenchymal transition. J Clin Pathol. 2011, 64(4):325-9 Liu Z*, Zhou G, Nakamura M, Bai Y, Li Y, Ozaki T, Mori I, Miyauchi A, Kakudo K. Retinoid X receptor γ up-regulation is correlated with dedifferentiation of tumor cells and lymph node metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Pathol Int. 2011, 61(3):109-15. Liu Z*, Bai Y, Li Y, Ohba K, Nakamura H, Ozaki T, Taniguchi E, Mori I, Kakudo K. Non-solid Type Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report of Moderately Differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the Thyroid. Pathol Int. 2010; 60(7):524-7. Liu Z.*#; Yunhe Song; Bo Han; Xiaofang Zhang; Peng Su; Xiujie Cui. Non-invasive Follicular Thyroid Neoplasm with Papillary-like Nuclear Features and the Practice in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, China. Journal of Basic & Clinical Medicine,2017,6(1), 22-25Zhiyan Liu*#, Bowen Ma, Dongge Liu, Xiaofang Zhang, Peng Su, Li Chen, Qingdong Zeng. History and practice of thyroid fine-needle aspiration in China, based on retrospective study of the practice in Shandong University Qilu Hospital. J Pathol Transl Med. 2017;51(6):528-532.Wakasa T, Li Y, Bai Y, Liu Z, Ozaki T, Mori I, Miyauchi A, Kakudo K, Nakamura M. Up-regulation of urinary-type plasminogen activator correlates with high-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma with BRAF(V600E) mutation and its possible molecular mechanism. Pathol Res Pract. 2014; 210(11):733-8. Liu Z*, Li J, Liu Z, Wang Q, Famer P, Mehta A, Chalif D, Wang Y, Li JY. Supratentorial cortical ependymoma: case series and review of the literature. Neuropathology. 2014; 34(3):243-52.Yao S, Zhang J, Chen H, Sheng Y, Zhang X, Liu Z, Zhang C. Diagnostic value of immunohistochemical staining of GP73, GPC3, DCP, CD34, CD31, and reticulin staining in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Histochem Cytochem. 2013;61(9):639-48.刘书佚,何淑蓉,焦琼,张惠箴,张智慧,金木兰,刘东戈,吴玲,刘志艳。COVID19大流行对我国细胞病理学工作的影响。临床与实验病理学杂志,2022,Mar,38(3),257-261. DOI:10.13315/J.CNKI.CJCEP.2022.03.00 唐娟, 刘志艳. 第4版WHO分化型甲状腺癌病理分类及其进展[J]. 外科理论与实践,2021,26(6):504-509.苏鹏(#),张晓芳,刘红刚,纪小龙,王铁生,张仁亚,敖启林,许跃,白玉萍,刘志艳(*)。病理医生对具有乳头样核特征的非浸润性甲状腺滤泡性肿瘤细胞核特征判读的观察者间差异。中华内分泌代谢杂志,2020. 36(7),582-602。核心A崔秀杰(#),赵海鸥(#),陈劼,张仁亚,潘毅,欧阳小明,刘军,张健强,杨阳,杨荣,丁岚,孟亚飞,刘志艳(*)。筛状桑葚型甲状腺乳头状癌临床病理及分子生物学特征。中华病理学杂志, 2018, 47(5): 354-359 核心A 崔秀杰*;张春燕;苏鹏;吕斌;任玉波;樊祥山;张晓芳;王妍;宋云河;刘志艳#。头颈部显示胸腺样分化的癌临床病理学分析。中华病理学杂志,2017,46(3),155-159 核心A刘志艳(#)(*). 分化性甲状腺癌形态学谱系与分子生物学特征[J]. 中华病理学杂志, 2020, 49(3): 284-288.苏鹏(#),张晓芳,郝春燕,刘文君,王妍,刘志艳(*)。NIFTP时代甲状腺细针穿刺细胞学检查2838例回顾性研究。重庆医科大学学报,2018, 43(12):47-51.核心期刊苏鹏(#),刘志艳(*),Thomas J Giordano。2017版WHO肾上腺肿瘤分类解读。中华病理学杂志, 2018, 47(10),804-807 核心A张晓芳(#),刘志艳(*)。2018版甲状腺细针穿刺活检细胞病理学Bethesda报告系统解读。中华病理学杂志,2018,47(9), 729-732 核心A刘志艳(#)(*), 周庚寅, Kakudo Kennichi, Lam Alfred K-Y。2017版WHO甲状腺肿瘤分类解读. 中华病理学杂志, 2018, 47(4):302-306 核心A 刘志艳*#。 2017年新版WHO甲状腺交界性肿瘤解读(专题笔谈),山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报, 2017, 31(6): 1-4. 核心A刘志艳*#。具有乳头样核特征的非浸润性甲状腺滤泡性肿瘤及其诊断标准。中华病理学杂志,2017,46(3),205-208。 核心A刘志艳*#,周庚寅,Kennichi Kakudo。甲状腺细针穿刺不确定类型病变中甲状腺癌的生物学行为。中华病理学杂志。2016.45(06):1-5 核心A张丽*,张春燕,周庚寅,刘志艳#(通讯作者)。胃癌肉瘤一例。中华病理学杂志。2016.45(02):130-131 核心A【主编及副主编著作】甲状腺细针穿刺细胞学诊断与陷阱。刘志艳主编,Kennichi Kakudo,Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa副主编。科学出版社。2018年4月,ISBN:978-7-03-056939-4,2018.04Pitfalls in the diagnosis of Thyroid Cytology.主编: Kennichi Kakudo副主编:刘志艳,Mitsuyoshi Hirokawa. Bookway,已出版。ISBN:978-4-86584-182-4,2016.10.25《病理与病理生理学实验教程》,主编:王志富,王建丽,刘志艳。2017年6月,天津科学技术出版社,ISBN978-7-5576-3279-3Clinical management of thyroid cancer.主编: Kennichi Kakudo,刘志艳。Future Science Group (FSG). ISBN (PDF): 978-1-78084-305-6,2013,06.24 进修经历 2017年12月-2018年12月美国密歇根大学病理学系辅导医生:Thomas J Giordano 工作经历 2006年9月-2020年6月山东大学基础医学院病理学系,山东大学齐鲁医院病理科副主任医师,副教授 2004年9月-2006年11月山东大学基础医学院病理学系,山东大学齐鲁医院病理科讲师,主治医师



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